Regular Expressions 101

Extract form HTML in Make (Integromat)


Regular Expression
ECMAScript (JavaScript)

<tr bgcolor="#EAF2FA">\s*<td colspan="2">\s*<font style="font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px"><strong>Prénom \*<\/strong><\/font>\s*<\/td>\s*<\/tr>\s*<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\s*<td width="20"> <\/td>\s*<td>\s*<font style="font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px">(?<Prenom>.*)<\/font>


In Make (Integromat) I want to extra data in email formated in HTML I need to extract : The value for First Name, Last Name, Adresse, Zip code, City

Submitted by anonymous - a year ago