Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

Convert an LDIF from DS A into LDIF in DS B in one Regex


Regular Expression
PCRE (PHP <7.3)

dn: \t"CN=(.*?),OU=(.*?),DC=(PACRIM1|global|honeywell|namerica1|namerica2|namerica3|namerica4),.*\t\tdescription:\t\t(.*)\tdisplayName: \t\t(.*)\t\thwObjectGUID: \t\t(.*)\t\textensionAttribute7: \t\t(.*)\t\tmail: \t\t(.*)\t\tobjectClass: \t\t(.*)


If you need to convert an LDIF exported from one directory to an LDIF in another directory, replacing the DN and attr names from one to the other

Submitted by anonymous - 8 years ago