Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

Community Library Entry


Regular Expression
ECMAScript (JavaScript)



This ES2018+ Javascript RegExp expression should parse the components of any valid Docker image reference URI.

It captures:

  • Name
    • ?Host
      • ?Domain
      • ?Port
    • ?Namespace
    • Repo
  • ?Reference
    • ?Tag
    • ?Digest

This expression uses named capture groups and lookarounds, which are available from ES2018. Be sure to check compatibility! See here for a good reference:

The expression itself is based on a literal transcription of the RegEx from the official Go implementation / spec:

There is one notable deviation here from the spec -- I have separated the 'Path' component into two parts -- 'Namespace' and 'Repo'. This is helpful for registries which have container paths more than two levels deep (e.g. GitLab's.) So, in the case of, it would extract myorg/mygroup as "namespace" and myproject as "repo".

Hope this is helpful for someone!

Submitted by - 3 years ago (Last modified 3 years ago)