Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

Community Library Entry


Regular Expression

(?:\s|^) # Start of string or word boundary ( # Capture Group (?: # Non-Capture Group for X. (?: # Nested NCG for 0..255 (?:\d){1,2}| # Allow any single digit or any pair of digits or (?:1\d{2})| # 3 Digits starting with 1 or (?:2[0-4]\d)| # 3 Digists starting with 20..24 or (?:25[0-5]) # 250..255 ) # this should allow X=0..255 in the NCG \. # Must be followed by a literal . ){3} # X. Must repeat exactly 3 times (?: # NCG for final 0..255 (?:\d{1,2})| # Allow any single digit or any pair of digits or (?:1\d{2})| # 3 Digits starting with 1 or (?:2[0-4]\d)| # 3 digits starting 20..24 or (?:25[0-5]) # 250.255 ) # End of final 0.255 ) # End of capture group (?:\s|$) # Must be followed by EOS or wspace


Verbose IP4 simple address re N.B. You need to ensure that the re is in trebble quotes r""" .... """

Submitted by Steve (Gadget) Barnes - 9 years ago