use strict;
my $str = ' BRIEF CONTENTS
Chapter1 Basic Concepts 1
Chapter2 Resistive Circuits 24
Chapter3 Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques 89
Chapter4 Operational Amplifiers 147
Chapter5 Additional Analysis Techniques 171
Chapter6 Capacitance and Inductance 219
Chapter7 First- and Second-Order Transient Circuits 252
Chapter8 AC Steady-State Analysis 305
Chapter9 Steady-State Power Analysis 362
Chapter10 Magnetically Coupled Networks 411
Chapter11 Polyphase Circuits 450
Chapter12 Variable-Frequency Network Performance 482
Chapter13 The Laplace Transform 543
Chapter14 Application of the Laplace Transform to
Circuit Analysis 569
Chapter15 Fourier Analysis Techniques 617
Appendix Complex Numbers 659
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Preface ix 5.3 Thévenin’s and Norton’s Theorems 179
Chapterone 5.4 Maximum Power Transfer 197
Summary 202
Basic Concepts 1 Problems 202
1.1 System of Units 2 Chaptersix
1.2 Basic Quantities 2 Capacitance and Inductance 219
1.3 Circuit Elements 8
Summary 17 6.1 Capacitors 220
Problems 18 6.2 Inductors 227
6.3 Capacitor and Inductor Combinations 236
Chaptertwo Summary 241
Resistive Circuits 24 Problems 241
2.1 Ohm’s Law 25 Chapterseven
2.2 Kirchhoff’s Laws 30 First- and Second-Order Transient Circuits 252
2.3 Single-Loop Circuits 38
2.4 Single-Node-Pair Circuits 45 7.1 Introduction 253
2.5 Series and Parallel Resistor Combinations 50 7.2 First-Order Circuits 254
2.6 Wye Delta Transformations 59 7.3 Second-Order Circuits 275
2.7 Circuits with Dependent Sources 63 Summary 289
Summary 68 Problems 289
Problems 69 Chaptereight
Chapterthree AC Steady-State Analysis 305
Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques 89 8.1 Sinusoids 306
3.1 Nodal Analysis 90 8.2 Sinusoidal and Complex Forcing Functions 309
3.2 Loop Analysis 111 8.3 Phasors 312
Summary 128 8.4 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements 314
Problems 129 8.5 Impedance and Admittance 318
8.6 Phasor Diagrams 325
Chapterfour 8.7 Basic Analysis Using Kirchhoff’s Laws 328
Operational Amplifiers 147 8.8 Analysis Techniques 331
Summary 344
4.1 Introduction 148 Problems 344
4.2 Op-Amp Models 148
4.3 Fundamental Op-Amp Circuits 154 Chapternine
Summary 163 Steady-State Power Analysis 362
Problems 163 9.1 Instantaneous Power 363
Chapterfi ve 9.2 Average Power 364
Additional Analysis Techniques 171 9.3 Maximum Average Power Transfer 369
9.4 Effective or rms Values 374
5.1 Introduction 172 9.5 The Power Factor 377
5.2 Superposition 174 9.6 Complex Power 379
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9.7 Power Factor Correction 384 13.3 Transform Pairs 547
9.8 Single-Phase Three-Wire Circuits 388 13.4 Properties of the Transform 549
9.9 Safety Considerations 391 13.5 Performing the Inverse Transform 551
Summary 399 13.6 Convolution Integral 557
Problems 399 13.7 Initial-Value and Final-Value Theorems 560
13.8 Solving Differential Equations with Laplace
Chapterten Transforms 562
Magnetically Coupled Networks 411 Summary 564
10.1 Mutual Inductance 412 Problems 564
10.2 Energy Analysis 423 Chapterfourteen
10.3 The Ideal Transformer 426 Application of the Laplace Transform to
10.4 Safety Considerations 436 Circuit Analysis 569
Summary 437
Problems 438 14.1 Laplace Circuit Solutions 570
14.2 Circuit Element Models 571
Chaptereleven 14.3 Analysis Techniques 573
Polyphase Circuits 450 14.4 Transfer Function 586
11.1 Three-Phase Circuits 451 14.5 Steady-State Response 603
11.2 Three-Phase Connections 456 Summary 606
11.3 Source/Load Connections 457 Problems 606
11.4 Power Relationships 466 Chapterfi fteen
11.5 Power Factor Correction 471 Fourier Analysis Techniques 617
Summary 475
Problems 475 15.1 Fourier Series 618
15.2 Fourier Transform 641
Chaptertwelve Summary 651
Variable-Frequency Network Performance 482 Problems 651
12.1 Variable Frequency-Response Analysis 483
12.2 Sinusoidal Frequency Analysis 491 Appendix
12.3 Resonant Circuits 500 Complex Numbers 659
12.4 Scaling 521
12.5 Filter Networks 523 Index 666
Summary 534
Problems 535
The Laplace Transform 543
13.1 Definition 544
13.2 Two Important Singularity Functions 544
FM.indd viiiFM.indd viii 21/11/14 11:11 AM21/11/14 11:11 AM';
my $regex = qr/(1\.\d+)\D+?(?:(\S+)\s+)+?(\d+)/mip;
if ( $str =~ /$regex/g ) {
print "Whole match is ${^MATCH} and its start/end positions can be obtained via \$-[0] and \$+[0]\n";
# print "Capture Group 1 is $1 and its start/end positions can be obtained via \$-[1] and \$+[1]\n";
# print "Capture Group 2 is $2 ... and so on\n";
# ${^POSTMATCH} and ${^PREMATCH} are also available with the use of '/p'
# Named capture groups can be called via $+{name}
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Perl, please visit: