Regular Expressions 101

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  • PCRE2 (PHP >=7.3)
  • PCRE (PHP <7.3)
  • ECMAScript (JavaScript)
  • Python
  • Golang
  • Java 8
  • .NET 7.0 (C#)
  • Rust
  • Regex Flavor Guide


  • Match
  • Substitution
  • List
  • Unit Tests (4)


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An explanation of your regex will be automatically generated as you type.
Detailed match information will be displayed here automatically.
  • All Tokens
  • Common Tokens
  • General Tokens
  • Anchors
  • Meta Sequences
  • Quantifiers
  • Group Constructs
  • Character Classes
  • Flags/Modifiers
  • Substitution
  • A single character of: a, b or c
  • A character except: a, b or c
  • A character in the range: a-z
  • A character not in the range: a-z
  • A character in the range: a-z or A-Z
  • Any single character
  • Alternate - match either a or b
  • Any whitespace character
  • Any non-whitespace character
  • Any digit
  • Any non-digit
  • Any word character
  • Any non-word character
  • Match everything enclosed
  • Capture everything enclosed
  • Zero or one of a
  • Zero or more of a
  • One or more of a
  • Exactly 3 of a
  • 3 or more of a
  • Between 3 and 6 of a
  • Start of string
  • End of string
  • A word boundary
  • Non-word boundary

Regular Expression
No Match


Test String

Code Generator

Generated Code

using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; public class Example { public static void Main() { string pattern = @".*\((.|\n)+\)\s*\{"; string input = @"# @summary Manages the puppeteer monitor service. # # @param logon_domain # The service will logon using this domain. Specify '.' for a local account. # # @param logon_name # The service will logon using this user name. # # @param logon_password # The service will logon using this password. # # @param ensure # Whether or not install the puppeteermon service. # # @param source # Where to obtain the puppeteermon service executable from. # # @param state # Ensure the puppeteermon service is in the given `state`. # # @param startup # How to start the puppeteermon service. # # @param version # The version of the puppeteermon service that should be installed. # class profile::ct::puppeteermon( String $logon_domain = ""${hiera('builder_domain', '.')}"", String $logon_name = ""${hiera('builder_user', 'SYSTEM')}"", String $logon_password = ""${hiera('builder_passwd', '')}"", String $cooldown = '10m', String $min_exec_time = '1m15s', Enum[absent, present] $ensure = present, String $source = '<%= ::osfamily %>/puppeteermon-<%= version %>', Enum['running', 'stopped'] $state = 'running', Enum['automatic', 'manual', 'disabled'] $startup = 'automatic', String $version = '2.0.11', ) { include profile::ct::puppeteer if $::osfamily == 'windows' { # Non-configurable class parameters $basedir = 'C:/ProgramData/puppeteermon' $os_source = regsubst($source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'windows', 'G') $puppeteer_os_source = regsubst($profile::ct::puppeteer::source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'windows', 'G') $puppeteer_fetch_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::version}.exe"", 'G') $puppeteer_recovery_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', 'recovery.exe', 'G') profile::ct::puppeteer::config { ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.conf"": ensure => $ensure, compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url, runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval, splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay, version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, } -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config { ""${basedir}/puppeteermon.conf"": ensure => $ensure, cooldown => $cooldown, fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source, download_dir => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/fetch"", command => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer.exe"", } profile::ct::puppeteer::config_new { ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.yaml"": ensure => $ensure, compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url, compass_polling_interval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_polling_interval, runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval, last_run_summary => $profile::ct::puppeteer::last_run_summary, splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay, version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, agent_config_platform => $profile::ct::puppeteer::agent_config_platform, } -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config_new { ""${basedir}/puppeteermon.yaml"": ensure => $ensure, cooldown => $cooldown, fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source, recovery_url => $puppeteer_recovery_source, download_dir => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/stage"", command => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer.exe"", min_exec_time => $min_exec_time } -> wservice { 'puppeteermon': ensure => $ensure, state => $state, startup => $startup, source => regsubst($os_source, '<%= version %>', ""${version}.tar.gz"", 'G'), version => $version, path => ""${basedir}/puppeteermon.exe"", account => ""${logon_domain}\\${logon_name}"", password => $logon_password, registercmd => ['<%= path %>', 'install'], unregistercmd => ['<%= path %>', 'uninstall'], } if $ensure == present { $enable = $startup ? { 'automatic' => 'true', 'manual' => 'manual', default => 'false' } service { 'puppeteermon': ensure => $state, enable => $enable, require => Wservice['puppeteermon'] } } } elsif $::osfamily == 'Darwin' { # Non-configurable class parameters $basedir = '/opt/puppeteermon' $os_source = regsubst($source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'darwin', 'G') $puppeteer_os_source = regsubst($profile::ct::puppeteer::source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'darwin', 'G') $puppeteer_fetch_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, 'G') $puppeteer_recovery_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', 'recovery', 'G') profile::ct::puppeteer::config_new { ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.yaml"": ensure => $ensure, compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url, compass_polling_interval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_polling_interval, runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval, last_run_summary => $profile::ct::puppeteer::last_run_summary, splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay, version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, agent_config_platform => $profile::ct::puppeteer::agent_config_platform, } -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config_new { ""${basedir}/puppeteermon.yaml"": ensure => $ensure, cooldown => $cooldown, fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source, recovery_url => $puppeteer_recovery_source, download_dir => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/stage"", command => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer"", min_exec_time => $min_exec_time } -> puppeteermon { '/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon': ensure => $ensure, version => $version, source => regsubst($os_source, '<%= version %>', $version, 'G'), } if $ensure == present { $enable = $startup ? {'automatic' => 'true', 'manual' => 'manual', default => 'false' } service { 'puppeteermon': ensure => $state, enable => $enable, provider => 'launchd', require => Puppeteermon['/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon'] } } } else { # Non-configurable class parameters $basedir = '/opt/puppeteermon' $os_source = regsubst($source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'linux', 'G') $puppeteer_os_source = regsubst($profile::ct::puppeteer::source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'linux', 'G') $puppeteer_fetch_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, 'G') $puppeteer_recovery_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', 'recovery', 'G') profile::ct::puppeteer::config_new { ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.yaml"": ensure => $ensure, compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url, compass_polling_interval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_polling_interval, runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval, last_run_summary => $profile::ct::puppeteer::last_run_summary, splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay, version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, agent_config_platform => $profile::ct::puppeteer::agent_config_platform, } -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config_new { ""${basedir}/puppeteermon.yaml"": ensure => $ensure, cooldown => $cooldown, fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source, recovery_url => $puppeteer_recovery_source, download_dir => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/stage"", command => ""${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer"", min_exec_time => $min_exec_time } -> puppeteermon { '/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon': ensure => $ensure, version => $version, source => regsubst($os_source, '<%= version %>', $version, 'G'), } if $ensure == present { $enable = $startup ? {'automatic' => 'true', 'manual' => 'manual', default => 'false' } service { 'puppeteermon': ensure => $state, enable => $enable, provider => 'systemd', require => Puppeteermon['/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon'] } } } } "; RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Multiline; foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(input, pattern, options)) { Console.WriteLine("'{0}' found at index {1}.", m.Value, m.Index); } } }

Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for C#, please visit: