# coding=utf8
# the above tag defines encoding for this document and is for Python 2.x compatibility
import re
regex = r".*\((.|\n)+\)\s*\{"
test_str = ("# @summary Manages the puppeteer monitor service.\n"
"# \n"
"# @param logon_domain\n"
"# The service will logon using this domain. Specify '.' for a local account.\n"
"# @param logon_name\n"
"# The service will logon using this user name.\n"
"# @param logon_password\n"
"# The service will logon using this password.\n"
"# @param ensure\n"
"# Whether or not install the puppeteermon service.\n"
"# @param source\n"
"# Where to obtain the puppeteermon service executable from.\n"
"# @param state\n"
"# Ensure the puppeteermon service is in the given `state`.\n"
"# @param startup\n"
"# How to start the puppeteermon service.\n"
"# @param version\n"
"# The version of the puppeteermon service that should be installed.\n"
"class profile::ct::puppeteermon(\n"
" String $logon_domain = \"${hiera('builder_domain', '.')}\",\n"
" String $logon_name = \"${hiera('builder_user', 'SYSTEM')}\",\n"
" String $logon_password = \"${hiera('builder_passwd', '')}\",\n"
" String $cooldown = '10m',\n"
" String $min_exec_time = '1m15s',\n"
" Enum[absent, present] $ensure = present,\n"
" String $source = 'https://repo.ct.activision.com/repository/puppet/puppeteermon/<%= ::osfamily %>/puppeteermon-<%= version %>',\n"
" Enum['running', 'stopped'] $state = 'running',\n\n"
" Enum['automatic', 'manual', 'disabled']\n"
" $startup = 'automatic',\n\n"
" String $version = '2.0.11',\n"
") {\n"
" include profile::ct::puppeteer\n\n"
" if $::osfamily == 'windows' {\n"
" # Non-configurable class parameters\n"
" $basedir = 'C:/ProgramData/puppeteermon'\n"
" $os_source = regsubst($source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'windows', 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_os_source = regsubst($profile::ct::puppeteer::source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'windows', 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_fetch_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::version}.exe\", 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_recovery_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', 'recovery.exe', 'G')\n\n"
" profile::ct::puppeteer::config { \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.conf\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url,\n"
" runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval,\n"
" splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay,\n"
" version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version,\n"
" }\n"
" -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config { \"${basedir}/puppeteermon.conf\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" cooldown => $cooldown,\n"
" fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source,\n"
" download_dir => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/fetch\",\n"
" command => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer.exe\",\n"
" }\n"
" profile::ct::puppeteer::config_new { \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.yaml\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url,\n"
" compass_polling_interval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_polling_interval,\n"
" runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval,\n"
" last_run_summary => $profile::ct::puppeteer::last_run_summary,\n"
" splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay,\n"
" version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version,\n"
" agent_config_platform => $profile::ct::puppeteer::agent_config_platform,\n"
" }\n"
" -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config_new { \"${basedir}/puppeteermon.yaml\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" cooldown => $cooldown,\n"
" fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source,\n"
" recovery_url => $puppeteer_recovery_source,\n"
" download_dir => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/stage\",\n"
" command => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer.exe\",\n"
" min_exec_time => $min_exec_time\n"
" }\n"
" -> wservice { 'puppeteermon':\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" state => $state,\n"
" startup => $startup,\n"
" source => regsubst($os_source, '<%= version %>', \"${version}.tar.gz\", 'G'),\n"
" version => $version,\n"
" path => \"${basedir}/puppeteermon.exe\",\n"
" account => \"${logon_domain}\\\\${logon_name}\",\n"
" password => $logon_password,\n"
" registercmd => ['<%= path %>', 'install'],\n"
" unregistercmd => ['<%= path %>', 'uninstall'],\n"
" }\n\n"
" if $ensure == present {\n"
" $enable = $startup ? { 'automatic' => 'true', 'manual' => 'manual', default => 'false' }\n"
" service { 'puppeteermon':\n"
" ensure => $state,\n"
" enable => $enable,\n"
" require => Wservice['puppeteermon']\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" } elsif $::osfamily == 'Darwin' {\n"
" # Non-configurable class parameters\n"
" $basedir = '/opt/puppeteermon'\n"
" $os_source = regsubst($source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'darwin', 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_os_source = regsubst($profile::ct::puppeteer::source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'darwin', 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_fetch_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_recovery_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', 'recovery', 'G')\n\n"
" profile::ct::puppeteer::config_new { \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.yaml\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url,\n"
" compass_polling_interval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_polling_interval,\n"
" runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval,\n"
" last_run_summary => $profile::ct::puppeteer::last_run_summary,\n"
" splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay,\n"
" version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version,\n"
" agent_config_platform => $profile::ct::puppeteer::agent_config_platform,\n"
" }\n"
" -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config_new { \"${basedir}/puppeteermon.yaml\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" cooldown => $cooldown,\n"
" fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source,\n"
" recovery_url => $puppeteer_recovery_source,\n"
" download_dir => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/stage\",\n"
" command => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer\",\n"
" min_exec_time => $min_exec_time\n"
" }\n"
" -> puppeteermon { '/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon':\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" version => $version,\n"
" source => regsubst($os_source, '<%= version %>', $version, 'G'),\n"
" }\n\n"
" if $ensure == present {\n"
" $enable = $startup ? {'automatic' => 'true', 'manual' => 'manual', default => 'false' }\n"
" service { 'puppeteermon':\n"
" ensure => $state,\n"
" enable => $enable,\n"
" provider => 'launchd',\n"
" require => Puppeteermon['/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon']\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" } else {\n"
" # Non-configurable class parameters\n"
" $basedir = '/opt/puppeteermon'\n"
" $os_source = regsubst($source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'linux', 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_os_source = regsubst($profile::ct::puppeteer::source, '<%= ::osfamily %>', 'linux', 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_fetch_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', $profile::ct::puppeteer::version, 'G')\n"
" $puppeteer_recovery_source = regsubst($puppeteer_os_source, '<%= version %>', 'recovery', 'G')\n\n"
" profile::ct::puppeteer::config_new { \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/puppeteer.yaml\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" compass_master_url => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_master_url,\n"
" compass_polling_interval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::compass_polling_interval,\n"
" runinterval => $profile::ct::puppeteer::runinterval,\n"
" last_run_summary => $profile::ct::puppeteer::last_run_summary,\n"
" splay => $profile::ct::puppeteer::splay,\n"
" version => $profile::ct::puppeteer::version,\n"
" agent_config_platform => $profile::ct::puppeteer::agent_config_platform,\n"
" }\n"
" -> profile::ct::puppeteermon::config_new { \"${basedir}/puppeteermon.yaml\":\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" cooldown => $cooldown,\n"
" fetch_url => $puppeteer_fetch_source,\n"
" recovery_url => $puppeteer_recovery_source,\n"
" download_dir => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/stage\",\n"
" command => \"${profile::ct::puppeteer::basedir}/running/puppeteer\",\n"
" min_exec_time => $min_exec_time\n"
" }\n"
" -> puppeteermon { '/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon':\n"
" ensure => $ensure,\n"
" version => $version,\n"
" source => regsubst($os_source, '<%= version %>', $version, 'G'),\n"
" }\n\n"
" if $ensure == present {\n"
" $enable = $startup ? {'automatic' => 'true', 'manual' => 'manual', default => 'false' }\n"
" service { 'puppeteermon':\n"
" ensure => $state,\n"
" enable => $enable,\n"
" provider => 'systemd',\n"
" require => Puppeteermon['/opt/puppeteermon/puppeteermon']\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
matches = re.finditer(regex, test_str, re.MULTILINE)
for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches, start=1):
print ("Match {matchNum} was found at {start}-{end}: {match}".format(matchNum = matchNum, start = match.start(), end = match.end(), match = match.group()))
for groupNum in range(0, len(match.groups())):
groupNum = groupNum + 1
print ("Group {groupNum} found at {start}-{end}: {group}".format(groupNum = groupNum, start = match.start(groupNum), end = match.end(groupNum), group = match.group(groupNum)))
# Note: for Python 2.7 compatibility, use ur"" to prefix the regex and u"" to prefix the test string and substitution.
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Python, please visit: https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html