$re = '/<time from="(?P<TimeFrom>[\dT:-]*)" to="(?P<TimeTo>[\dT:-]*)" period="\d">.*?(?P<symbol>symbol number="\d").*?\>.*?(?P<percipication>precipitation value="\d").*?\>.*?(?P<windSpeed>windSpeed mps="[\d\.]*").*?\>.*?</time>/msui';
$str = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<timezone id="Europe/Oslo" utcoffsetMinutes="120" />
<location altitude="106" latitude="59.9287412518508" longitude="10.4753151421641" geobase="ssr" geobaseid="2234308" />
<!--In order to use the free weather data from yr no, you HAVE to display
the following text clearly visible on your web page. The text should be a
link to the specified URL.-->
<!--Please read more about our conditions and guidelines at http://om.yr.no/verdata/ English explanation at http://om.yr.no/verdata/free-weather-data/-->
<link text="Weather forecast from yr.no, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK" url="http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Akershus/Bærum/Rykkinn/" />
<link id="xmlSource" url="http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Akershus/Bærum/Rykkinn/forecast.xml" />
<link id="xmlSourceHourByHour" url="http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Akershus/Bærum/Rykkinn/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml" />
<link id="overview" url="http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Akershus/Bærum/Rykkinn/" />
<link id="hourByHour" url="http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Akershus/Bærum/Rykkinn/hour_by_hour" />
<link id="longTermForecast" url="http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Akershus/Bærum/Rykkinn/long" />
<link id="radar" url="http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Akershus/Bærum/Rykkinn/radar.html" />
<sun rise="2015-09-29T07:17:49" set="2015-09-29T18:57:55" />
<location name="Rykkinn">
<time from="2015-09-29" to="2015-09-29">
<body><strong>Østlandet og Telemark:</strong> Sørvestlig bris, i ettermiddag forbigående liten kuling på kysten. Etter hvert stort sett pent vær.</body>
<time from="2015-09-30" to="2015-09-30">
<body><strong>Østlandet:</strong> Vestlig eller skiftende bris. Stort sett pent vær, men om natten og først på dagen mulighet for lokal tåke.</body>
<time from="2015-10-01" to="2015-10-01">
<body><strong>Østafjells:</strong> Vestlig bris, liten kuling på kysten vest for Lindesnes. Oppholdsvær og perioder med sol.</body>
<time from="2015-10-02" to="2015-10-02">
<body><strong>Østafjells:</strong> Vestlig bris, periodevis kuling på kysten vest for Lindesnes. Stort sett pent vær. Omtrent uendret temperatur.</body>
<time from="2015-10-03" to="2015-10-04">
<title>Saturday and Sunday</title>
<body><strong>Østafjells og fjellet i Sør-Norge:</strong> Skiftende bris. Lørdag oppholdsvær og perioder med sol. Omtrent uendret temperatur. Søndag spredt regn. Litt lavere temperatur.</body>
<time from="2015-10-05" to="2015-10-08">
<title>Monday to Thursday</title>
<body><strong>Sør-Norge:</strong> Høytrykket flytter seg østover og gir rom for mer ustabilt vær. Overveiende sørlig vind, perioder med kuling på kysten. Etterhvert perioder med nedbør. Litt lavere dagtemperaturer.</body>
<time from="2015-09-29T17:00:00" to="2015-09-29T18:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-09-29T17:00:00 to 2015-09-29T18:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="03d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-09-29T17:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="140.3" code="SE" name="Southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.5" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="15" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1035.7" />
<time from="2015-09-29T18:00:00" to="2015-09-30T00:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-09-29T18:00:00 to 2015-09-30T00:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="mf/03n.53" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-09-29T18:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="132.5" code="SE" name="Southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.4" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="14" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1035.3" />
<time from="2015-09-30T00:00:00" to="2015-09-30T06:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-09-30T00:00:00 to 2015-09-30T06:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="mf/03n.56" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-09-30T00:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="358.4" code="N" name="North" />
<windSpeed mps="2.0" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="6" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1035.1" />
<time from="2015-09-30T06:00:00" to="2015-09-30T12:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-09-30T06:00:00 to 2015-09-30T12:00:00 -->
<symbol number="2" numberEx="2" name="Fair" var="02d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-09-30T06:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="68.7" code="ENE" name="East-northeast" />
<windSpeed mps="0.6" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="4" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1033.8" />
<time from="2015-09-30T12:00:00" to="2015-09-30T18:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-09-30T12:00:00 to 2015-09-30T18:00:00 -->
<symbol number="2" numberEx="2" name="Fair" var="02d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-09-30T12:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="143.9" code="SE" name="Southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.1" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="13" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1034.1" />
<time from="2015-09-30T18:00:00" to="2015-10-01T00:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-09-30T18:00:00 to 2015-10-01T00:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="mf/03n.56" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-09-30T18:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="129.3" code="SE" name="Southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="0.6" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="15" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1030.6" />
<time from="2015-10-01T00:00:00" to="2015-10-01T06:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-01T00:00:00 to 2015-10-01T06:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="mf/03n.60" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-01T00:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="338.6" code="NNW" name="North-northwest" />
<windSpeed mps="1.6" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="7" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1028.4" />
<time from="2015-10-01T06:00:00" to="2015-10-01T12:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-01T06:00:00 to 2015-10-01T12:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="03d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-01T06:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="324.0" code="NW" name="Northwest" />
<windSpeed mps="2.5" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="6" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1025.8" />
<time from="2015-10-01T12:00:00" to="2015-10-01T18:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-01T12:00:00 to 2015-10-01T18:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="03d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-01T12:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="142.8" code="SE" name="Southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.3" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="13" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1025.9" />
<time from="2015-10-01T18:00:00" to="2015-10-02T00:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-01T18:00:00 to 2015-10-02T00:00:00 -->
<symbol number="2" numberEx="2" name="Fair" var="mf/02n.60" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-01T18:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="270.6" code="W" name="West" />
<windSpeed mps="1.0" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="16" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1023.2" />
<time from="2015-10-02T02:00:00" to="2015-10-02T08:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-02T02:00:00 to 2015-10-02T08:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-02T02:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="143.5" code="SE" name="Southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="0.4" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="7" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1020.1" />
<time from="2015-10-02T08:00:00" to="2015-10-02T14:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-02T08:00:00 to 2015-10-02T14:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="03d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-02T08:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="288.8" code="WNW" name="West-northwest" />
<windSpeed mps="1.7" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="9" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1018.2" />
<time from="2015-10-02T14:00:00" to="2015-10-02T20:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-02T14:00:00 to 2015-10-02T20:00:00 -->
<symbol number="1" numberEx="1" name="Clear sky" var="01d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-02T14:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="234.6" code="SW" name="Southwest" />
<windSpeed mps="1.6" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="16" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1018.2" />
<time from="2015-10-02T20:00:00" to="2015-10-03T02:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-02T20:00:00 to 2015-10-03T02:00:00 -->
<symbol number="1" numberEx="1" name="Clear sky" var="mf/01n.63" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-02T20:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="231.8" code="SW" name="Southwest" />
<windSpeed mps="1.7" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="13" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1017.4" />
<time from="2015-10-03T02:00:00" to="2015-10-03T08:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-03T02:00:00 to 2015-10-03T08:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="mf/03n.66" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-03T02:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="336.2" code="NNW" name="North-northwest" />
<windSpeed mps="1.6" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="10" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1018.5" />
<time from="2015-10-03T08:00:00" to="2015-10-03T14:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-03T08:00:00 to 2015-10-03T14:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="03d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-03T08:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="332.3" code="NNW" name="North-northwest" />
<windSpeed mps="1.5" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="8" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1019.1" />
<time from="2015-10-03T14:00:00" to="2015-10-03T20:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-03T14:00:00 to 2015-10-03T20:00:00 -->
<symbol number="3" numberEx="3" name="Partly cloudy" var="03d" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-03T14:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="26.6" code="NNE" name="North-northeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.2" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="13" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1019.9" />
<time from="2015-10-03T20:00:00" to="2015-10-04T02:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-03T20:00:00 to 2015-10-04T02:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-03T20:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="153.9" code="SSE" name="South-southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.5" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1019.4" />
<time from="2015-10-04T02:00:00" to="2015-10-04T08:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-04T02:00:00 to 2015-10-04T08:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-04T02:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="115.6" code="ESE" name="East-southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.5" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="10" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1019.1" />
<time from="2015-10-04T08:00:00" to="2015-10-04T14:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-04T08:00:00 to 2015-10-04T14:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-04T08:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="163.6" code="SSE" name="South-southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.2" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="10" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1017.7" />
<time from="2015-10-04T14:00:00" to="2015-10-04T20:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-04T14:00:00 to 2015-10-04T20:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-04T14:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="163.7" code="SSE" name="South-southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.1" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1017.7" />
<time from="2015-10-04T20:00:00" to="2015-10-05T02:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-04T20:00:00 to 2015-10-05T02:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-04T20:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="351.4" code="N" name="North" />
<windSpeed mps="1.2" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1016.5" />
<time from="2015-10-05T02:00:00" to="2015-10-05T08:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-05T02:00:00 to 2015-10-05T08:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-05T02:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="174.1" code="S" name="South" />
<windSpeed mps="1.2" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="10" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1016.0" />
<time from="2015-10-05T08:00:00" to="2015-10-05T14:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-05T08:00:00 to 2015-10-05T14:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-05T08:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="225.4" code="SW" name="Southwest" />
<windSpeed mps="1.2" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="10" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.1" />
<time from="2015-10-05T14:00:00" to="2015-10-05T20:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-05T14:00:00 to 2015-10-05T20:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-05T14:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="66.5" code="ENE" name="East-northeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.8" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.2" />
<time from="2015-10-05T20:00:00" to="2015-10-06T02:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-05T20:00:00 to 2015-10-06T02:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-05T20:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="124.9" code="SE" name="Southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="1.4" name="Light air" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="10" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1014.4" />
<time from="2015-10-06T02:00:00" to="2015-10-06T08:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-06T02:00:00 to 2015-10-06T08:00:00 -->
<symbol number="9" numberEx="9" name="Rain" var="09" />
<precipitation value="2.4" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-06T02:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="61.0" code="ENE" name="East-northeast" />
<windSpeed mps="2.3" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1010.5" />
<time from="2015-10-06T08:00:00" to="2015-10-06T14:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-06T08:00:00 to 2015-10-06T14:00:00 -->
<symbol number="9" numberEx="9" name="Rain" var="09" />
<precipitation value="2.8" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-06T08:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="77.9" code="ENE" name="East-northeast" />
<windSpeed mps="2.4" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1004.4" />
<time from="2015-10-06T14:00:00" to="2015-10-06T20:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-06T14:00:00 to 2015-10-06T20:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-06T14:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="103.5" code="ESE" name="East-southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="2.6" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="12" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1014.0" />
<time from="2015-10-06T20:00:00" to="2015-10-07T02:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-06T20:00:00 to 2015-10-07T02:00:00 -->
<symbol number="9" numberEx="9" name="Rain" var="09" />
<precipitation value="2.4" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-06T20:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="169.5" code="S" name="South" />
<windSpeed mps="3.5" name="Gentle breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="12" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1009.2" />
<time from="2015-10-07T02:00:00" to="2015-10-07T08:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-07T02:00:00 to 2015-10-07T08:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-07T02:00:00 -->
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<windSpeed mps="1.8" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1015.2" />
<time from="2015-10-07T08:00:00" to="2015-10-07T14:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-07T08:00:00 to 2015-10-07T14:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-07T08:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="85.0" code="E" name="East" />
<windSpeed mps="1.7" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="10" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1014.6" />
<time from="2015-10-07T14:00:00" to="2015-10-07T20:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-07T14:00:00 to 2015-10-07T20:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-07T14:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="302.4" code="WNW" name="West-northwest" />
<windSpeed mps="2.3" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="12" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1016.6" />
<time from="2015-10-07T20:00:00" to="2015-10-08T02:00:00" period="3">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-07T20:00:00 to 2015-10-08T02:00:00 -->
<symbol number="9" numberEx="9" name="Rain" var="09" />
<precipitation value="2.1" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-07T20:00:00 -->
<windDirection deg="111.2" code="ESE" name="East-southeast" />
<windSpeed mps="3.0" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="12" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1009.5" />
<time from="2015-10-08T02:00:00" to="2015-10-08T08:00:00" period="0">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-08T02:00:00 to 2015-10-08T08:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-08T02:00:00 -->
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<windSpeed mps="1.7" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1012.4" />
<time from="2015-10-08T08:00:00" to="2015-10-08T14:00:00" period="1">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-08T08:00:00 to 2015-10-08T14:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-08T08:00:00 -->
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<windSpeed mps="1.8" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="11" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1014.3" />
<time from="2015-10-08T14:00:00" to="2015-10-08T20:00:00" period="2">
<!-- Valid from 2015-10-08T14:00:00 to 2015-10-08T20:00:00 -->
<symbol number="4" numberEx="4" name="Cloudy" var="04" />
<precipitation value="0" />
<!-- Valid at 2015-10-08T14:00:00 -->
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<windSpeed mps="2.3" name="Light breeze" />
<temperature unit="celsius" value="12" />
<pressure unit="hPa" value="1017.7" />
<weatherstation stno="19710" sttype="eklima" name="Asker (Sem)" distance="8384" lat="59.85620" lon="10.43450" source="Meteorologisk Institutt">
<temperature unit="celsius" value="16.2" time="2015-09-29T14:00:00Z" />
<weatherstation stno="18815" sttype="eklima" name="Bygdøy" distance="11865" lat="59.90500" lon="10.68280" source="Meteorologisk Institutt">
<temperature unit="celsius" value="16.7" time="2015-09-29T14:00:00Z" />
<weatherstation stno="18950" sttype="eklima" name="Tryvannshøgda" distance="12467" lat="59.98470" lon="10.66930" source="Meteorologisk Institutt">
<temperature unit="celsius" value="12.5" time="2015-09-29T14:00:00Z" />
<windDirection deg="186.0" code="S" name="South" time="2015-09-29T14:00:00Z" />
<windSpeed mps="4.0" name="Gentle breeze" time="2015-09-29T14:00:00Z" />
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
// Print the entire match result
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for PHP, please visit: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pcre.php